Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Grandkids

I can't resist posting a few pictures of our adorable, wonderful grandkids. It's still surprising (when I pause to think about it) that only 4 years ago this month we were waiting for the birth of the first and now there are five of them. They are surely a blessing from the Lord.

Here are Warren, Aubrey and Jake posing on a quilt that my quilting friends made for me way back (!) when Jake was expected.

We take pictures of the babies with Billy our 100+ lb. doberman (mostly to frighten thier other grandma's). Aubrey was happy to make his acquaintance. (For you non-dog people Billy is very gentle with the kids).

This is Johnny in his spiderman jammies and Burger King crown. Jess and Isaac found him asleep in bed with his crown on the night this was taken.

And here's little Jeanine in her car seat smiling adoringly at Miss Bessie Cow. She (the cow) is the best thing since sliced bread according to Jeanine. (Not counting her mom and dad, they're pretty great too).

Thanks for indulging me and taking a look at the kids!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Siding & Tongue and Groove

We're getting so close to having the exterior of the house done! Next week will mark 6 months since we broke ground. I can hardly believe it's been that long. I kept thinking that it's taken the "summer" and then it struck me that it's already Nov. and summer is long gone. (You wouldn't know it by the weather however, it's supposed to be in the mid 70's today in C.V.)

This is the south side of the house. Still waiting on stairs up to the front door!

The siding is done except for one plank across the top of the west end which will be put on when the guys put up the tongue and groove cedar planks that fill in the overhang area (I can't remember what that area is officially called).

This is the tongue and groove cedar with the paint drying on the living room floor.

We installed a toilet and sink so we could get rid of the outhouse. I didn't mind the outhouse until we moved the trailer into our driveway and started to smell it venting. Whoo, am I glad to have that gone.

This window is located in our stairwell. It will bring in extra light and the view isn't bad either.

The seas were up last weekend and it was beautiful. Here are a couple of pictures, one looking south and the other down on the ocean at the end of the bluff.

We ordered our wood burning stove and are going to install it and start using it. Though we don't have insulation or drywall yet it will help to take off the chill in the great room this winter. Now that the carpenters are almost done we will be working on the radiant heat tubing and electrical. We'll keep you updated but the pictures aren't going to be quite as interesting!